Category: Blog

Preserving public trust in the evolution of Trusted Research Environments: TELEPORT

By connecting national-level data holdings in Wales and Scotland, TELEPORT is enabling secure access to improve research quality, leading to better health outcomes. In achieving this, TELEPORT is placing a strong emphasis on Public Involvement and Engagement (PIE), involving lay members in governance panels, appointing a public advocate, and seeking feedback to ensure transparency and public benefit.

Are synthetic health data ‘personal data’?

In this article, Dr Colin Mitchell and Dr Elizabeth Redrup Hill, colleagues at PHG Foundation (a University of Cambridge charity), discuss their report on the concept and status of synthetic health data under data protection law, providing recommendations for developers, researchers, regulators, and policymakers to balance privacy protection and research potential.

What we learnt from the DARE UK Phase 1 Sprint Exemplar Projects

The DARE UK Phase 1 Sprint Exemplar Projects made important discoveries towards DARE UK’s overarching mission. This article outlines the reflections and lessons learned from the nine projects and, in particular, the public involvement and engagement outcomes, which have jointly charted the course for future programme efforts.