Category: Blog

TRE-FX: Enabling federated analytics for better healthcare outcomes

The fourth instalment of our Driver Projects blog series puts the spotlight on the TRE-FX project, whose remit was to explore ways to enable collaborative data analytics across trusted research environments in the UK. Learn more about the project’s accomplishments and dynamic public involvement and engagement strategy.

TELEPORT: Unlocking data access barriers to enhance UK-wide data research

The third issue of our Driver Projects blog series focuses on the TELEPORT project, whose exploits introduced the concept of federated data access – a first among UK trusted research environments. This approach, developed in collaboration with the public, unlocks new opportunities for deeper, broader and more secure research with sensitive data.

SACRO: Pioneering innovations in data privacy and research efficiency

In the first issue of our DARE UK Driver Projects blog series, we discuss the exploits of the SACRO project in ensuring that research findings do not compromise individual privacy. Find out more about the project’s final outputs and their collaboration with members of the public in this piece.