September 28, 2022

DARE UK Sprint Exemplar Projects findings published

Today, DARE UK publishes a series of reports detailing the findings of a programme of Sprint Exemplar Projects funded as part of Phase 1 of the programme.

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) awarded over £2 million to nine research teams to deliver a programme of Sprint Exemplar Projects as part of DARE UK Phase 1. The purpose was to conduct exploratory work to uncover and test early thinking in the development of a coordinated and trustworthy national data research infrastructure, to support cross-domain analysis of sensitive data at scale for public good.

The nine projects have demonstrated initial exploration of solutions that are foundational to future phases of the DARE UK programme, including trusted research environment (TRE) federation, data visualisation, automation of ‘Five Safes’ processes, design and use of privacy enhancing technologies (PETs), development of governance and public involvement and engagement frameworks and toolkits, and more.

Funding for the projects was awarded as a result of an open, competitive call for proposals which ran from September to November 2021. The projects ran for eight months from January to August 2022.

You can access the findings and outputs of the Sprint Exemplar Projects via the pages below:

What next?

The findings of the nine Sprint Exemplar Projects add important technical, governance and best practices insights to each of their respective domains. In addition, they offer valuable broader learnings to inform DARE UK’s aim to design and deliver a coordinated and trustworthy national data research infrastructure. The DARE UK team will now be working to synthesise and draw together the overarching findings across the nine projects in the context of a coordinated national data research infrastructure. The outputs of this work will be published in due course.

Over the coming weeks, we will also be hosting a blog series on the DARE UK website to showcase the findings of each of the nine individual projects. Stay tuned to find out more about the work undertaken, and what it uncovered, from the research teams.

Find out more about what the DARE UK Phase 1 Sprint Exemplar Projects set out to achieve.