Phase 1 Sprint Exemplar Projects
The purpose of the projects was to uncover and test early thinking in the development of a joined-up and trustworthy national data research infrastructure. This is to support cross-domain analysis of sensitive data at scale for public good.
The Sprint Exemplar Projects developed potential use cases, demonstrated the technology and explored best practice for the governance, ethical and public engagement and involvement aspects of developing a more coordinated data research infrastructure. Each of the projects crossed different research sectors and UKRI research council remits.
The funding was awarded as a result of an open call for proposals which ran from September to November 2021. All applications received in response to the call – of which there were 25 in total – were assessed by an independent panel of experts, with the nine successful projects scoring highest in terms of excellence, novelty and diversity.
The Sprint Exemplar Projects ran for eight months from January to August 2022. A number of them focused on the development of a more coordinated network of trusted research environments for the UK. You can find out more about trusted research environments on the HDR UK (Health Data Research UK) website.
At the end of the delivery period, DARE UK assessed the activities and final outputs of the projects, including the Public Involvement and Engagement (PIE) components, and identified key learnings captured in the detailed reports below: