We would like to hear from you
Since November 2022, we have been collecting feedback from stakeholders to understand the UK sensitive data research landscape better. Our aim has been to leverage the findings from our surveys to inform the future direction of the DARE UK (Data and Analytics Research Environments UK) programme and provide valuable insights to the wider UK research community.
So far, we have received a good number of responses, but we would like to hear from more stakeholders from other parts of the ecosystem to ensure that we have a good representation and spread across the landscape.
Below is a list of organisations and initiatives we have heard from so far:
- Surface Analysis Facility Oxford
- Roland von Glasow Air-Sea-Ice Chamber
- Edinburgh International Data Facility
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory
- Ocean Bottom Instrumentation Facility
- Centre for Rapid Online Analysis of Reactions (ROAR)
- EPSRC Quantum Communications Hub
- University of Hertfordshire High-Performance Computing Facility
- National Unified Renal Translational Research Enterprise (NURTuRE)
- Discovery Collections
- United Kingdom Multiple Sclerosis Register
- Clinoverse
- The GW4 Isambard Tier-2 HPC Service
- University of Sheffield Sensitive Data Service
- NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility
- Centre for Virus Research
- Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
- UKAEA Materials Research Facility
- UKAEA Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
- The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR Facility
- EPSRC National Dark Fibre Facility (NDFF)
- SAIL Databank
- Secure eResearch Platform (SeRP)
- Centre for Macaques, Medical Research Council
- Lifebit Federated Trusted Research Environment
- UK Data Service
- Scottish National Safe Haven
- University of Liverpool
- Health Informatics Centre, University of Dundee
- British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility
- BGS Space Geodesy Facility, Herstmonceux
- North Wyke Farm Platform
- Advanced Bioimaging RTP
- Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre
- UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
- Personalised Medicine Centre, Ulster University
- Electron beam lithography facilities, University of Cambridge
- British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility
- The National Archives
- Natural History Museum
- Software Sustainability Institute
- NIHR BioResource
- The National Archives
- EPSRC National Dark Fibre Facility (NDFF)
- UKRI – Medical Research Council – Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell
- Rothamsted Research
- Liverpool Hope University Science Facilities
- Bede (N8 CIR / EPSRC Tier-2 HPC)
- Leeds Analytic Secure Environment for Research (LASER)
- InterConnect and MRC Epidemiology Unit in-reach system
- National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal)
- Barts Life Sciences Precision Medicine Programme
- Health Informatics Centre, University of Dundee
- Akrivia Health Clinical Research Interactive Search (CRIS)
- Consumer Data Research Centre
- NERC Digital Solutions
- Alan Turing Institute Data Safe Haven
- STFC Scientific Computing Department
- UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration
- NeSI- New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
- BHF Data Science Centre instance of NHS England TRE/SDE
- DAFNI – Data and Analytics Facility for National Infrastructure
- STFC-IRIS (eInfrastructure for Research In STFC)
- Big Data and Analytical Unit Secure Environment (BDAU SE)
- Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences
Who should complete the survey?
If you manage an infrastructure within the UK that enables research on sensitive data – for example, a trusted research environment (TRE) or other secure data environment which provides access to and/or enables research and analysis using sensitive data, whether that be on premise, cloud-hosted or both (hybrid) – then we want to hear from you.
The scope of the survey includes all research domains and therefore includes infrastructure which supports research using sensitive data related to education, the environment, health, retail and much more. By ‘sensitive data’, we refer to data which either contains personally identifiable information such as names, addresses and identifying numbers; or data which has been de-identified but remains sensitive due to the potential for re-identification, particularly when used with other data. Commercial data such as retail information, business details or confidential product details may also be considered sensitive when used for research.
We are only looking for one response per organisation. If you feel that you are not the right person to respond on behalf of the research infrastructure you are affiliated with, please share the survey with the most relevant person. Please note that summary outputs of survey responses may be made publicly available.
For those data research infrastructures which do not currently, and do not plan to, support sensitive data research, please still complete the survey – in this case, it will take less than 5 minutes and will still provide valuable input for the DARE UK programme. The survey should take no longer than 15-20 minutes to complete for those research infrastructures which support sensitive data research (or plan to in the future). Please do also pass this survey on to any other infrastructures you believe it may be relevant to.
Please note that, based on your responses, the DARE UK Delivery Team may be in touch to request a deeper conversation about your research infrastructure at a later stage. Thank you for helping us paint a clearer picture of the UK’s existing sensitive data research infrastructure and how the DARE UK programme can better support it.
Please complete the survey by Wednesday, 31 May 2023.
If you have any further comments or questions relating to the survey, please get in touch.