August 16, 2023

PEDRI publishes resource survey report

Public Engagement in Data Research Initiative (PEDRI) has published the findings from the resource survey it conducted in January this year. The report captures the key outcomes from the survey completed by 123 respondents along with key recommendations for Public Involvement and Engagement (PIE) practice in the data research landscape.

In January 2023, Public Engagement in Data Research Initiative (PEDRI) conducted a survey to identify the resource needs of the public, researchers, and public engagement professionals to effectively perform their roles. After a thorough review and analysis of the responses from 123 participants who completed the survey, PEDRI has now published the full report along with an easy-read version.

The survey identified a lack of existing resources for researchers and Public Involvement and Engagement (PIE) professionals and some responders not being aware of existing resources. The survey also highlights both the challenges and desires for plain language description of data research. The report recommends the creation of additional targeted resources and an open-access resource hub to host vital data research PIE resources. Additionally, the report also recommends that researchers and PIE professionals should be aware of the needs of their audience and adapt resources to the needs and different learning styles of public contributors.

Read the full report

Read the easy-read version

DARE UK (Data and Analytics Research Environments UK) is a founding partner of the Public Engagement in Data Research Initiative (PEDRI).

Learn more about PEDRI