DARE UK Driver Projects News Feed

Latest updates on the five DARE UK Driver Projects

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments on the DARE UK (Data and Analytics Research Environments) Driver Projects, commissioned in collaboration with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Bookmark this page and check it regularly to follow the progress of all five projects.

25 May 2023 – SACRO Project Literature Review – Call for Papers

Members of the SACRO project are working on a literature review focusing on public engagement around disclosure controls. The team are looking for articles, journal papers or information on work relating to this topic and will be including wider related topics.

If you or your organisation have any papers relating to this, please contact katie.oldfield@researchdata.scot. All types of papers and articles are welcome, including academic publications.

Find out more about the SACRO project here: SACRO: Semi-Automated Checking of Research Outputs – Medium


25 May 2023 – SACRO Virtual Workshop: Exploring Trust and Statistical Disclosure Control in TREs

The SACRO driver project invites members of the Trusted Research Environments (TREs) community home and abroad to attend a virtual workshop on Tuesday, 6 June 2023, from 10:30 – 12:00 (BST). The workshop aims to gather input for a consensus statement on how the experiences of researchers and output checkers can be improved when mutually engaging in Disclosure Control. This event will allow those working in TREs to give their opinions and professional experiences to inform the development of new tools, guidance and resources to ensure that the needs of future users are met. Click here to register for the event.


11 May 2023 – Key Updates from the SATRE Project

After a successful set of kick-off sessions, the SATRE project has received over 100 responses to its feature survey from across academia, healthcare, industry, government and more – thanks to everyone who contributed and shared it across their networks!

With so many great responses from such a diverse range of stakeholders, the SATRE team feel well-placed to start building out a representative specification for TREs.  The team will be building the specification in the open on GitHub, using community conversations to steer how the specification builds up and what features it includes. Please do get involved.

You can also join the SATRE Collaboration Cafes, which happens fortnightly from 3pm – 4pm on the first Tuesday and third Thursday of every month.

  • On Thursday, 18 May 2023 (3pm – 4pm), the team will be sharing the key themes and discussion points from the survey responses, how we’re translating responses to the specification, and how you can get involved with contributing.
  • On Tuesday, 6 June 2023 (3pm – 4pm), the team will be focusing on the information governance requirements for a safe, effective and ethical TRE specification.

You can join either Café via this Zoom link. You can also register your interest in all Collaboration Cafes by completing this form.


10 May 2023 – SACRO Virtual Workshop (Thursday, 18 May 2023; 14:00-15:30 BST)

The SACRO team invites output checkers of Trusted Research Environments (TREs) to attend a virtual workshop entitled “Deconstructing Statistical Disclosure Control – A guide to corralling outputs into family yards”. The workshop will involve a presentation from the research team responsible for reviewing and developing statistical and operational guidelines within the SACRO project. With the first stage of work nearing completion, the team would like to share their approach and deconstruction of Statistical Disclosure Control with the participants, whose feedback will inform the development of support documents for TRE needs and requirements.

In the week leading up to the event, the SACRO team will send delegates documentation to review, so please register to ensure you will receive this. Click here to register

This event is part of the SACRO Project, one of the DARE UK Phase 1 Driver Projects. The project aims to improve and overhaul elements of TREs to improve the experience of researchers and output checkers when mutually engaging in Disclosure Control. This event will allow those working in TREs to give their opinions and professional experience to inform the development of new tools, guidance and resources to ensure that the needs of future users are met.

This invitation is not limited to TREs involved in the project, as international TREs are welcome to join in. Please share widely with contacts and networks.


3 May 2023 – Understanding the DARE UK federation proposal: The big picture and how the Driver Projects fit in

With the DARE UK Driver Projects well underway, there’s been an overlap of ideas for what an interoperable network of trusted research environments (TREs) should look like. While the five driver projects are working on their various innovations, the DARE UK core team is working on the overarching federated architecture blueprint (DARE UK Federation) to bring it all together. In the blog hyperlinked below, DARE UK Technical Lead Rob Baxter explains and illustrates the specific roles of the Driver Projects, distinguishing the parts from the whole.

Click here to read the blog


5 April 2023 – SATRE Trusted Research Environments (TREs) Features Survey

The SATRE team has created a features survey for the technical and governance features you feel should be part of the specification for Trusted Research Environments (TREs). The survey works through different possible features, and you can rank them on an importance scale from ‘not important’ to ‘critical’.

The SATRE team is looking to get as many people and teams as possible to complete the survey to ensure that they gather a diverse range of views about what TREs should look like and identify where there is consensus or where there is none. The team will use the results from this survey to draft the first version of a TRE specification, which the sensitive data research community can contribute to, evaluate and use.

The survey can be accessed here. It should take around 10-15 minutes to complete and can be completed either as an individual or on behalf of a project team. Please complete the survey by 5 May 2023. Alternatively, the SATRE team can arrange a time to collaboratively fill in your response over a call. This can either be done individually or as part of one of the SATRE ‘Collaboration Cafes’ – please fill in this form to arrange this.

Any questions, please ask: satre-contact@dundee.ac.uk.


28 and 30 March 2023 – SATRE Project holds Public Workshops

The SATRE team ran two online public workshops to gather public views on the transparency needs of TREs. This was an intentionally small event to ensure that the team received focused feedback and was able to have a conversation with all attendees. Participants were invited from across the four UK nations to ensure wide representation. Members of the public answered direct questions on what features they would (and would not) like to see in a Trusted Research Environment, plus how those features impact how their sensitive data should be managed. There was plenty of time for open discussion as well, and the participants were very interested to learn more.

More information and updates on the SATRE project


8 and 10 March 2023 – SATRE Project holds Stakeholder Workshops

In March, the SATRE team ran two online events with Trusted Research Environments (TREs) stakeholders from across the spectrum of UK TRE providers, data users and data owners. The aim was to present an overview of the SATRE project and gather initial thoughts, comments and feedback from those present. The project team also ran some additional one-to-one sessions for groups who missed the initial events. There were over 100 sign-ups for the event, with more than 75 stakeholders in attendance, showing high interest and enthusiasm for a standardised architecture for TREs.


8 March 2023 – Driver Projects Unveil Shared Plans to Transform UK-wide Sensitive Data Research

On Wednesday, 8 March 2023, in line with DARE UK’s commitment to public involvement and engagement, the project teams of all five driver projects shared their plans with the public. This hour-long online interaction unpacked each project’s aim and delivery framework in a simple and accessible manner, inviting questions and contributions from members of the public.

The DARE UK driver projects will run for nine months, from February to October 2023, and their progress will be shared publicly via the DARE UK website, Twitter page and monthly newsletter (subscribe here).

Learn more and watch the webinar here


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